Raw Food for all!
(Click on to the Viva picture above and you will get a discount through that link)
I not only give my adult cats raws but I newly started to wean my kittens to raw. I was hesitant at first. Afraid that the potty training process would be a nightmare but honestly its the opposite! TMI but poo doesn't smell as bad as it does with dry and canned. Don't get me wrong, I still give all of my cats and kittens dry and canned but it seemed as though the raw helps with their digestion and makes for a clean gut.
I was introduced to Viva Pets Raw food by a fellow cat breeder because I showed her what I do on a weekly basis and I'm so glad I did! Take a look at my pictures on the link above at what I use to do for my cats.
Click on to the Viva picture above and you will get a discount through that link.